
Unlock Your Epic Rewards!

Earn Wankol Points with every move you make when using our platform

What is Wankol Point?

Wankol Point is a reward system we provide for brands and KOL when using our platform. From the moment you join us and create your stunning name cards or business cards, to launching and rocking those game-changing campaigns, you’ll be earning Wankol Points every step of the way. You can redeem your points at Wankol Point Center.

How It Works

Create Wankol Account

Register yourself as Brand or Influencer at Wankol.

Complete Mission Tasks

We prepared several mission tasks as you get started into our platform and collect Wankol Points after.

Redeem Benefits & Rewards

Check your Points Mall to see what perks and benefit awaits you

Let’s give Wankol a try

We're here to take your influencer marketing campaign to new heights and help you succeed! 
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